The World Wide Web Committee on Advertising and Sponsorship was appointed in 2001 to establish basic guidelines for advertising and sponsorships. The committee had eight meetings commencing in March 2001.

Premise: With more than 250 World Wide Web Information Providers on the UNLV campus, operating independently, it was imperative that basic guidelines for advertising and sponsorships be imparted as soon as possible. Even though general parameters were recommended, the committee agreed that the guidelines would need to evolve with infrastructure and technological changes. Check and balances would have to be initially decentralized.

Committee members were as follows:

  • Les Raschko, Reprographics/Design Services (committee chair)
  • Lou DuBois, Controller
  • Kevin Force, Coordinator Sports Information
  • Mark Wallington, Sports Info. Specialist
  • Alex Herzog, Asst. Director, Alumni Relations
  • Lucy Klinkhammer, UNLV Foundation
  • Mike Sauer, Assoc. V.P. for Administration
  • Blake Douglas, Conf. Housing Director
  • Dick Benoit, Continuing Education
  • Myron Martin, Dir., Performing Arts Ctr.
  • Lori James, Business Mgr., PAC
  • Thomas Flagg, News & Public Info.
  • Earnest Phillips, University Communications
  • Lori Temple, Assoc Provost, IT
  • Windy Lawson-Whitney, Thomas & Mack

The President's Cabinet approved the policy in January 2002.

World Wide Web Philosophy

It is important for institutions of public higher education to maintain an independence from commercial, political, religious, and similar types of entities. Not only is this important so that a university maintains its reputation and integrity, but it is also required by the regulations that govern tax-exempt status. Advertising and commercial promotion can raise concerns with regard to conflicts of interest, neutrality, freedom from undue outside influence, and decisions made as a custodian of the public's resources. Therefore, advertising will be allowed only in areas where these principles are not violated, or where they are in accord with the mission of a particular entity. Examples of such entities to this at UNLV would be Thomas & Mack (which is engaged in commercial activities), the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, the Rebel Yell, the Performing Arts Center, and Continuing Education.

Responsibilities Of Information Providers

UNLV's website is managed primarily by unit Information Providers who are assigned by their respective dean, department chair, or unit supervisor. They are responsible for the pages they publish and the direct links they maintain to other sources. Providers are expected to follow UNLV Web Standards & Guidelines and to ensure that the content or resource links they post comply with university/UCCSN policies and state and federal laws. Information Providers are also expected to comply with all laws regarding intellectual property and copyright.

Advertising, Sponsorships, Underwriting & Affiliate Programs

Definition of Terms


Advertising is offering space to another party with the objective of promoting goods or services for that party in exchange for money, goods, or services.

Underwriting & Sponsorship

The offering of web space to another party for the purpose of mentioning the party's name in exchange for money, goods, or services.

Sponsorship and underwriting by any university unit is authorized only if such is pursuant to an appropriate approved contractual agreement between the university and the third party. All sponsorships and underwriting must be consistent with the mission of the unit and UNLV, and all proceeds must be handled and retained within university accounts. Unit heads will determine and monitor the appropriateness, content, and legality of underwriting and sponsorships. Units are encouraged to seek advice from the Director of Marketing on appropriateness and General Counsel on legality. UNLV's Contract Officer must review the contractual agreement.

(Note: Logo, location, size, disclaimer, and accounting procedures are to be determined. Links should go to the company's home page and not to a page directly featuring a product.)

UNLV's .edu Website

Advertising on UNLV's .edu website is prohibited. Advertising content for non-university products will not be stored on university equipment. An individual (faculty, staff, or student) may not use UNLV's .edu site to advertise goods or services or to sell advertising.

UNLV's .com Websites

The Thomas & Mack and Intercollegiate Athletics operate .com sites where advertising is permitted. Although UNLV is a tax-exempt organization, advertising revenue may be subject to taxation. UNLV .com units engaged in advertising are individually responsible for all tax payments and liabilities, including attorney's fees and payments, in relation to Unrelated Business Income Tax or other tax assessments from advertising.

Affiliate Programs

Since advertising on UNLV's web pages is prohibited, the university must also prohibit the use of affiliate programs such as, or the listing of a specific vendor on class syllabi, because that would imply UNLV endorsement and could violate policy on the use of UNLV resources for personal gain.

The posting of affiliate links on individual pages (in the UNLV .edu domain) would also be considered advertising. A link from a book title to a specific vendor ( would also violate the policy on the use of UNLV resources for personal gain.


Academic/intellectual endeavors by faculty, students, and staff would be an exception. For example, a faculty member could provide a link to a publisher or retailer enabling individuals to purchase his or her book. (NOTE: Monitoring violations can be extremely difficult.)

Unrelated Business Income (Ubit) Guidelines

Each fiscal year, UNLV is required to file an Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return (Form 990-T) with the Internal Revenue Service to report any unrelated business income generated by the activities of its academic and support units.

Listed below are some examples of unrelated business income:

  • Participation in joint ventures with for-profit entities;
  • Any form of advertising that generates revenue for the university;
  • Rental of real property when services are provided to the renter;
  • Sales or rental of any goods or services other than for the convenience of faculty, staff, or students.

NOTE: IRS does not classify "alumni" as members of this group.

Prior to undertaking any activity that might generate unrelated business income, individuals must contact the UNLV Controller and University Communications for information on the activity's impact on the community.

Campus Directory

The Campus Directory is a document that provides contact information for UNLV faculty and staff. All UNLV employees receive a directory. The directory has limited distribution on campus to students through outlets such as the residence halls, Ask Me booths at Orientation, and student union. Advertising is solicited by a third-party publisher to defray layout and printing expenses. The UNLV Campus Directory is a non-public limited forum for commercial purposes.

Advertisements in the UNLV Campus Directory will not be accepted for the following:

  • alcoholic beverages
  • tobacco products
  • religious or political organizations
  • high-risk ventures
  • paraphernalia associated with illegal drugs or drugs other than registered pharmaceuticals
  • products produced by child labor

Ads will not be accepted that use racist or sexist themes or stereotypes; or that sell sex as a product, even by implication. UNLV will not accept advertising that is dishonest, that attempts to mislead the audience, or that violates the law. Advertising must be commercial in nature for transactions for goods or services. Advertising must be viewpoint neutral. Advertising will be refused if inconsistent with the fundamental missions of the university, in conflict with the image the university seeks to project, or the well being of the university community.

UNLV Trademark & Licensing Program

UNLV established a Licensing Program in the mid-1980s to regulate the use of its marks (i.e., name trademark, insignia, logos, images, etc.) on clothing wear and other manufactured items. The purpose of the licensing program is to protect the name and marks of UNLV and to enhance the image of UNLV through approved usage. This process ensures that UNLV's marks are used in the manner cited in UNLV's Brand website, and also on products that follow fair labor practices.

The committee felt that an institutional statement regarding UNACCEPTABLE ADVERTISERS should be reviewed by the Cabinet for print, the general campus, and UNLV's .EDU website. On this topic, the committee agreed on the following:

Regarding the sale of advertising on UNLV's .EDU website, in university publications, or on campus property, advertising will not be accepted for the following:

  • alcoholic beverages or tobacco products;
  • "head shops" or other purveyors of legal paraphernalia associated with illegal drugs, or for drugs other than registered pharmaceuticals;
  • religious or political organizations;
  • high-risk ventures;
  • ads that use racist or sexist themes or stereotypes; or that sell sex as a product, even by implication; or
  • any product produced by child labor