Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity - Annual Plan

Planned Actions for AY 2024-2025

  • Continue growing clinical trials from the eight currently funded to 15-20 funded trials.
  • Continue to improve IRB and OSP services in support of grant applications and research, especially to improve IRB turnaround times which currently sit below the national average.
    • Ongoing rollout of Cayuse Rollout with training for faculty/staff for OSP related activities.
  • Expanding into infusion based delivery (an agreement in place with a local compounding pharmacy) to grow clinical trials.
  • Support Interdisciplinary FOAs through additional funding as we building interdisciplinary research and creative scholarly activity. Any FOA funded will produce a minimum of two proposals.
  • Continue to work and support the eight focal interdisciplinary research areas identified by UNLV.
  • Continued evaluation of cyber infrastructure through data analysis to develop actionable items for implementation.
  • Develop and implement a fMRI research core laboratory (purchase, remodel, and installation) as well as establish industry collaboration.