Elementary Education

Global Teaching

Secondary Education

Elementary Education

Each student must complete the college core requirements (or approved alternatives determined by the department). The core requirements for elementary students are EPY 303, EPY 451, EDU 280, and EDSP 411. For more information about core requirements visit the Education Student Services Center in CEB 118.

Secondary Education

Each student must complete the college core requirements (or approved alternatives determined by the department). The core requirements for secondary students are EPY 303, EDU 280, and EDSP 411. For more information about core requirements visit the Education Student Services Center in CEB 118.

More information on state-mandated testing is available on the .

Student teaching is a full-time, full-semester, carefully supervised experience. Through written agreements, university and school authorities are committed to providing quality field experiences for prospective teachers. An international student teaching option affords students the opportunity to explore teaching from a multicultural perspective.

Student teaching applications must be filed by specific deadlines dates in the semester immediately preceding student teaching. Applications are submitted online through the . An applicant must successfully meet all conditions specified by the appropriate academic department before an application for supervised teaching will be approved. Failure by the student teacher to meet any requirement may result in a delay or cancellation of the supervised teaching assignment.

Any candidate for student teaching who has transferred to UNLV must fulfill all specific requirements and have completed at least 15 hours in residence, including nine credits in professional education courses. Additional courses — as determined by the advisor or the department chair — may be required of the student. Verify with departments for possible alternative degree requirements.

More information related to student teaching can be found on the Office of Field Experiences page.

Teacher education institutions across the U.S. have been responding to the recognized need for greater international awareness and understanding among pre-service and in-service teachers. There are over 100 institutions in the United States which conduct student teaching programs in more than 50 countries with the dual purpose of preparing competent teachers and contributing to worldwide understanding.

The College of Education's International Student Teaching Program is an optional experience open to any individual pursuing an elementary, secondary, or special education teaching license. The program is administered through the College of Education's Division of Teacher Education. A faculty coordinator of International Student Teaching provides leadership for the program and serves as the liaison with the various agencies involved. The Associate Dean, in cooperation with the University Director of International Programs, has the ultimate responsibility for overseeing the program.

For more information visit the International Student Teaching page.