Submitting proposals, executing awards, conducting research, and administrating sponsored projects involves many different people and units throughout the University. While there may be some minor variations in processes among departments and colleges, the matrix below outlines the general process and identifies the appropriate party that has primary responsibility and secondary, if applicable, for different activities throughout the life cycle of a sponsored award. *This list is not exhaustive and may require additional areas when submitting a proposal or administering an award. .

Functions of Sponsored Programs include: Research, Instruction, Public Service, Student Services, Scholarships & Fellowships, and Other.

Key to Responsibility Acronyms

PI = Principal Investigator

DD = Department Dean/VP Chair

DGA = Department Grant Administrator or Department/College

OSP = OSP Communications & General Administration

OSPPRE = OSP Pre Award Team

OSPG&C = OSP Grants and Contracts Team

OSPPOST = OSP Post Award and Financial

OSPCOMP = OSP Post Award Financial Compliance

VPR = Vice President for Research and Assistant Vice President for Research

Identification of Funding Sources – Initial Planning
Role Responsible
Search for and identify funding opportunities (available search engine – Pivot) Primary: PI
Download full funding opportunity announcements for reference to evaluate the requirements and ensure all necessary components are accounted for Primary: PI Support: DGA
Consult with Department/College to interpret funding opportunity announcements and any possible commitments Primary: PI Support: DGA
Develop timeline for proposal development and submission Primary: PI Support: DGA
Coordinate the proposal process to ensure timely, compliant and accurate submission (this includes any subcontract to another IHE, industry, other) Primary: PI Support: DGA
Develop the project budget and budget justification and discuss any non-standard F & A requests for PI and Co-Pis Primary: PI Support: DGA
Review and approve any non-standard F&A (indirect cost) rate Primary: VPR Support: PI, DGA
Distribute funding opportunity announcements via OSP Weekly Primary: OSP
Review funding opportunity announcements and requirements Primary: PI Support: DGA
Help interpret funding opportunity announcements Primary: OSPPRE Support: DGA
Help determining a sponsored program vs a gift or service agreement Primary: OSPPRE
Manage internal competitions for limited submission opportunities Primary: OSP
Confirm institutional eligibility for sponsors/programs Primary: OSPPRE Support: OSP

Proposal Development
Role Responsible
Assist principal investigator with proposal preparation Primary: DGA
Develop the project budget and budget justification Primary: PI Support: DGA
Review and approval of budget before entry into e-grants systems Primary: OSPPRE
Reviews Dean approval of any non-standard F&A (indirect cost) rate Primary: VPR Support: OSP, OSPPRE
Develop proposal narrative and all required sections Primary: PI Support: DGA
Check RFP for any sponsor required templates Primary: PI Support: DGA
Identify and collect subrecipient proposal materials (SOW, institutional letters and budget/budget justification) Primary: PI Support: DGA
When UNLV will be a subaward, complete subrecipient assurance and risk assessment forms required by lead institution Primary: OSPPRE
Identify cost-share funds and provide official approval Primary: PI Support: DGA
Confirm the proposal meets all sponsor requirements for formatting, page length, font, etc. and that all necessary commitments with subrecipient institutions have been secured Primary: PI Support: DGA, OSPPRE
Discuss and finalize F&A split arrangements with all UNLV departments for proposals that involve multiple UNLV investigators Primary: PI Support: DD
Review proposals and specifically  those that involve space and/or new programs Primary: DD
Upload all proposal documents and data into sponsor portal, if applicable Primary: PI Support: DGA
Initiate and route required routing form (Cayuse will include electronic routing when deployed, TBD) Primary: PI Support: DGA
Review and approve required routing form for submission of proposal Primary: OSPPRE Support: DD
Oversee institutional policies and procedures governing the submission of proposals to sponsors Primary: OSPPRE Support: VPR
Maintain institutional accounts with sponsor proposal submission systems (e.g., Workspace, NSF Fastlane/, , NIH COMMONS/ASSIST, DOD eBRAP, NASA NSPIRES, etc.) Primary: OSPPRE
Review proposal for accuracy and compliance with assurances and University and sponsor guidelines and policies Primary: PI Support: OSPPRE
Troubleshoot issues with sponsor or internal electronic systems as it relates to proposal submissions Primary: OSPPRE
Approve the proposal for submission on behalf of the University and provides authorized official signature, if required Primary: OSPPRE
*[Cayuse Deployment - TBD] Prepare proposal for submission (upload/enter fields required for narrative, budgets, routing form, etc.) Primary: PI Support: DGA
Submits all proposals on behalf of the University unless sponsor requires PI to submit Primary: OSPPRE
Retain proposal document [Cayuse will save these in the cloud - TBD] Primary: OSPPRE
Track proposal status after submission Primary: PI Support: DGA, OSPPRE
Report to department on quarterly reports for proposals submitted Primary: OSP
Develop responses to sponsor requests for additional information (e.g., revised budgets/budget justifications, additional narrative clarifications, Just-in-Time information).  Submit additional information to the sponsor for those requests that do not require institutional endorsement or certification Primary: PI

Award Management and Monitoring
Role Responsible
Receives Notice of Award (issued and sent to either PI or OSP) Primary: PI Support: OSP, OSPG&C
Receives notice of award- Principal Investigator or the Department Administrator - forward to OSP or OSP forwards to PI and Department [award gets uploaded into Workday] Primary: PI Support: OSPG&C
Verify award scope of work and budget Primary: PI Support: OSPG&C
Reviews, approves, and submits to federal agencies, as required, conflict of interest management plans, technology control plans, and export control licensing applications to assure compliance with federal regulations Primary: PI Support: DD
Review award terms and conditions Primary: OSPG&C Support: PI
Negotiate and accept awards on behalf of the University, including modifications to existing awards Primary: OSPG&C
For awards > $3 million and/or > than five years duration, prepare award for chancellor signature Primary: OSPG&C
Establish Workday award set-up and GR budget lines for projects Primary: OSPG&C
Complete and submit technical reports in a timely manner (interim and final) and upload copies into Workday Primary: PI
Initiate request for budget revision Primary: PI
Assist principal investigator with request for budget revision Primary: DGA
Initiate request to OSP for no-cost extension Primary: PI
Official request to sponsor for no cost extension or any other requests that require prior approval Primary: OSPG&C
Request no‐cost extensions in accordance with University and sponsor guidelines and process the no-cost extensions in Workday Primary: OSPG&C
Initiate request for cost transfers (JV) in accordance with University and federal policy and procedure Primary: PI
Monitor and reconcile expenditures to ensure allowability, allocability and reasonableness Primary: PI Support: DGA
Assist with award monitoring Primary: DGA Support: OSPG&C, OSPPOST
Monitor and reconcile balances to ensure spending within budget and to prevent over expenditures Primary: PI Support: DGA
Prepare and submit financial, patent & equipment inventory reports (interim and final) Primary: OSPPOST
Maintain backup documentation related to expenditures within terms and conditions of the award (record retention) Primary: DGA Support: PI
Monitor, track and document cost share commitments Primary: DGA Support: PI
Verify and audit cost share in accordance with award terms and conditions Primary: OSPPOST Support: OSPCOMP
Invoice sponsor for project expenses and perform electronic drawdown of federal funds Primary: OSPPOST
Subaward Processes:
Initiate request for approved subaward agreements Primary: PI Support: DGA
Prepare, negotiate and initiate subaward agreements Primary: OSPG&C
Review and accept subaward terms and conditions Primary: OSPG&C
Initiate request to modify subawards Primary: PI
Prepare, negotiate and execute subaward modifications Primary: OSPG&C
Review and approve subaward invoices Primary: PI
Review subaward invoices to verify funding availability Primary: PI Support: DGA, OSPPOST
Review, approve and submit subaward invoices for payment Primary: OSPPOST
Monitor subrecipient performance during the project; notify OSP immediately if any changes are required Primary: PI
Obtain any technical reports from the subrecipient Primary: PI
Submit FFATA reports Primary: OSPPOST
Verify and audit cost share in accordance with award terms and conditions Primary: OSPPOST Support: OSPCOMP
Invoice sponsor for project expenses and perform electronic drawdown of federal funds Primary: OSPPOST
Begin close out process for ending project - 90 days prior to end date Primary: OSPG&C Support: PI, OSPPOST
Review and prepare for close out in a timely manner Primary: PI Support: DGA
Report to department on quarterly reports for awards received Primary: OSP Support: DD

Invoicing, Billing, and Collections
Role Responsible
Invoice sponsor for project expenses and perform electronic drawdown of federal funds Primary: OSPPOST
Close and inactivate awards/projects in the University financial system Primary: OSPPOST
Initiate and process cost transfers (JV) in a timely manner, in accordance with University and federal policy and procedures Primary: PI Support: DGA, OSPPOST
Approve cost transfers (JV) "over 90 days" past the original expenditures, to remove unallowable costs and over expenditures Primary: OSPPOST Support: DD, VPR
Review and submit A-133/UG Subpart F certifications Primary: OSPPOST
Review, complete and submit closeout checklist in a timely manner Primary: OSPG&C Support: OSPPOST
Audit expenditure balance and award activity to verify financial compliance with University and sponsor regulations and to ensure allowability, allocability and reasonableness Primary: OSPPOST Support: OSPCOMP
Complete any patent & equipment inventory reports (interim and final) Primary: PI Support: OSPPOST
Ensure all expenditures have been posted to the project accounts Primary: PI Support: DGA
Identify overdrawn costs for PI and identify total direct costs for cost transfer Primary: PI Support: OSPCOMP
Ensure overdrafts are resolved within 30 days and initiate cost transfer from GR to unrestricted department PG account Primary: PI Support: OSPCOMP
Report cost share and provide documentation to FRA for financial reporting Primary: PI  Support: OSPPOST, OSPCOMP
Work with sponsor to collect and resolve outstanding/unpaid invoices Primary: PI  Support: OSPPOST, OSPCOMP
Prepare final financial invoice/report Primary: OSPPOST
Initiate collection activity on past due invoices Primary: OSPPOST Support: OSPCOMP
Assist with collection efforts >90 days on past due invoices as needed Primary: PI  Support: OSPPOST, OSPCOMP

General Research Administration
Role Responsible
Overall responsibility for programmatic and financial stewardship of award Primary: PI
Reviews if PI eligibility is required Primary: PI Support: OSPPRE
Approves project PI eligibility Primary: VPR Support: DD, OSP
Provide guidance and interpretation of federal regulations, agency specific requirements, and University policies and procedures Primary: OSPPRE Support: OSPG&C, OSPPOST
Provide training as needed Primary: OSP Support: OSPPRE, OSPG&C, OSPPOST, OSPCOMP
Respond to ad hoc audit requests (internal and external) Primary: OSPCOMP
Material Transfer Agreements (incoming) Primary: OSPG&C
Data Use Agreements (outgoing/incoming) Primary: VPR
Property Use Agreement Primary: VPR
Work with external auditors to complete the A‐133/UG Subpart F audit process Primary: OSPCOMP Support: OSP
Maintain quarterly grant queries for colleges and departments Primary: OSP

Regulatory Compliance
Role Responsible
Complete all necessary compliance requirements for proposal submission (e.g., outside compensation and/or financial conflict of interest) Primary: PI Support: DGA
Prepares and submits protocols for research involving human subjects, animals, and biosafety hazards Primary: PI
Verifies submission of protocol to appropriate oversight regulatory committees Primary: PI Support: DGA
Follows up to see that approvals are in place before work begins on awards Primary: OSPG&C Support: DGA
Works in conjunction with Office of Economic Development to assure compliance with federal and contractual intellectual property requirements Primary: OSPG&C Support: OSP

Effort Certification
Role Responsible
Initiate effort certification process Primary: OSPCOMP
Review and approve effort certification Primary: PI Support: DD, DGA
Manage and verify effort certification submissions Primary: DGA
Verify data within effort certification submissions in accordance with University policies and procedures Primary:DGA
Complete necessary adjustments to award charges and/or payroll (process PAAs) Primary: DGA Support: PI
Resolve problems or follow up on certifications not submitted Primary: OSPCOMP