General Info

  • Visit your Academic Advisor and discuss your options. Confidential advice, resources and recommendation are available.
  • Speak with Financial Aid & Scholarships about consequences to your aid before dropping or withdrawing from any or all classes.
  • If you withdraw from a class, the class will appear on your transcript as a "W".
  • Consider auditing the class(es). "AD" will appear on your transcript.
  • Check with financial aid to make sure you meet the minimum course load required to receive your award.
  • Contact your department, as some individual departments require students to take more credits per semester than the Graduate College does.
  • Graduate assistants: contact Brianne Heinle at Graduate Financial Services in the Graduate College to ensure you are carrying the required course load to keep your assistantship.

International Students

  • International Students have particular regulations governing their F-1 visa status. Before dropping a class, or if you are considering a leave of absence from your studies, contact an International Student Advisor to discuss options and rules regarding your F-1 status.

Please note: If you drop below full-time, you may be in violation of your F-1 visa status. Students can only include three credits of online courses each term towards their full-time enrollment requirement.

Campus Housing

To cancel your housing agreement, refer to your Residence and Dining Hall Contract or contact the UNLV Campus Housing Office.

Voluntary Health Withdrawal

There are medical withdrawal options. Please see the Request for a Voluntary Health Withdrawal form for details.

Leave of Absence
Please contact your Academic Advisor to see if you are eligible for a Leave of Absence.
Summer Term

If you are enrolled in Summer Term classes, check the  website for drop/withdrawal policies.

Boyd Law School

If you are a law student, please refer to the  website for their drop/withdrawal policies.