Responsible Administrator(s):
Responsible Office(s):
Originally Issued: October 2003

Statement of Purpose

UNLV’s policies for repeating classes follow the Board of Regents’ Handbook, but vary depending upon the individual student’s program of study. These policies are clearly stated within the UNLV Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs, and other official institutional documents ranging from the Board of Regents’ Handbook [hereinafter referred to as Handbook] to the individualized policies set by colleges, departments, schools and/or programs.

Entities Affected by this Policy

Faculty, Staff, and Students

Who Should Read this Policy

Faculty, Staff, and Students


General Policy

The general policy is outlined in the Handbook, Tit. 4 – Codification of Board Policy Statements, Ch. 16 Student Admission, Registration, Grades and Examinations, F. ҳ| 鶹ýӳ, Sec. 18 Grades and Examinations, Subsec. 6 Repeating a Course. There are additional policy guidelines if the student is repeating the course because they received an “F.” This general policy is used by some colleges, departments, schools and/or programs.

Board's Authorization for Individualized Policies

The Board of Regents recognizes that there are some programs in the University and Community College System of Nevada (UCCSN) that have selective admissions, and that continuation in these programs is contingent upon fulfilling the conditions set forth by the institution. These situations often call for the colleges, departments, schools and/or programs to specify the conditions the students must meet to continue in their programs. One of these conditions may include a different repeat policy. These individualized policies can be found in a range of official institutional documents (e.g., University catalogs, Student Handbooks, Advising Center documents).

Student's Responsibilities

University policies are integral to a student’s degree program and reaching their academic goals. It is imperative that the student be aware of the repeat policies and familiarizes themselves with the institutional requirements. The Handbook charges each student with the responsibility of knowing the rules: “If acceptable progress is not made in the program in which a student is enrolled, the College will place the student on college probation or college suspension. College and department rules govern these matters, and the student is responsible for knowing the rules.”

Students are also “responsible for providing the Office of the Registrar with written notification when a repeat course is near completion.” (See copy of attached form from the Registrar’s Office.) This notification is required not only to assist the Registrar with managing the student’s records, but because the “computer-printed grade reports do not initially compensate for repeated courses. Grade point averages, credits attempted, and credits earned will be manually adjusted.”


Although there are different policies in place for our different degree programs, this information is made readily available. The printed materials are available in every college, department, school and/or program office, and most of these guidelines are also available through our University web site.

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