Responsible Administrator(s):
Responsible Office(s):
Originally Issued: December 2018

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Maintain a safe and secure information technology environment.
  • Meet best practices for information technology security standards.

Entities Affected by this Policy

Entities affected by this policy include all UNLV employees.

Who Should Read this Policy

All UNLV employees should read this policy.


Staff awareness and education are key preventative factors to a secure information technology environment. All university employees must complete a UNLV-approved annual Cybersecurity training program.

New employees must complete the Cybersecurity training program within the first 30 days of hire. All employees must complete a UNLV-approved annual refresher course.

Visit the UNLV Cybersecurity Training website at  for information about current training/learning opportunities.


University Employee

For purposes of this policy, university employees are defined as all individuals with an employment contract with the university of 90 days or more.