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Woo-Yong Park

Assistant Professor

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  • Technology and Innovation Management / Strategic Management / Supply Chain Management


My current research interests seek to understand when, where, and how firms adapt to innovation shocks.  When an innovator hits the market with a disruptive innovation shock, incumbents (followers) are faced with (at least) three key decisions - “when (earlier vs. later adoption timing)”, “where (high vs. low segment choices)”, and “how (make vs. in-house design vs. pure buy sourcing choices)” to adopt the new innovation.  My current study explores five research questions:

  1. Why do some incumbents adopt a new innovation earlier than others?
  2. Why do early (or late) adopters choose one sourcing approach over others?
  3. Why do some early adopters switch from one sourcing approach in the early innovation period to other approaches in the later innovation period?
  4. Why do early (or late) adopters show different segment choices?   
  5. Are incumbents’ decisions regarding innovation adoption timing, sourcing approach, and the retention of outsourced components mistaken or strategic in nature?

Representative Articles:

  1. Park, W.Y., C. Tanpong, Y. K. Ro, and N.W. Kim (Accepted), “The Design Sourcing Choice and Technological Performance in the Upscale and Downscale Markets of an Architectural Innovation”, Journal of Operations Management (UTD 24 / FT 50)
  2. Park, W.Y. & C. Tanpong (2021) “Performance and Survival Implications of Sourcing Choice Sequence Across an Architectural Innovation Life Cycle” 67, 6: 656-679, Journal of Operations Management (UTD24 / FT50)   
  3. Bigelow, L., J. Nickerson, & W.-Y. Park (Equal Contribution) (2019) "When and How to Shift Gears: Dynamic Trade-offs Between Among Adjustment Costs, Opportunity, and Transaction Costs in Response to an Innovation Shock." 40, 3: 377-407, Strategic Management Journal (UTD24 / FT50)
  4. Park, W.-Y., Y. K. Ro, and N.W. Kim (2018), “The Impact of Variant Sourcing Strategies over Time in the Face of a New Architectural Innovation”,  47, 1: 326-241, Research Policy (FT50)
  5. Park, W.-Y., Y. K. Ro, and J.H. Lee (2018) “ How Much Does Design Internalization Matter in the Face of Technological Change?”, IEEE Transactions- Engineering Management, 65, 2: 264 – 275 
  6. Park, W.-Y. (J.-K.) and Y. K. Ro (2013), “ Product Architectures and Sourcing Decisions:  Their Impacts on Performance” 39, 3: 814-846, Journal of Management (FT50)
  7. Park, W.-Y.(J.-K.) and Y. K. Ro (2011), "The Impact of a Firm’s Make, Pseudo-Make, Buy Strategy on Product Performance." 29, 5: 289-304, Journal of Operations Management (UTD24 / FT50)  
  8. Fixson, S. K. and Park, W.-Y.(J.-K.) (Equal Contribution) (2008) “The Power of Integrality:  Linkages between Product Architecture, Innovation, and Industry Structure”, 37, 8: 1296-1316, Research Policy (FT50)
  9. Fixson, S. K. and Park, W.-Y.(J.-K.) (Equal Contribution) (2006) “A Test of Schilling’s Interfirm Product Modularity Model”.  Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, August 11-16, (selected for Technology & Innovation Management (TIM) Division Best Paper Proceedings)

Other Articles:

  1. Khurshid, F. (my Ph.D student), Park, W.-Y., & Chan, F. (The first two authors - equal contribution) (2020) “The Impact of Competition on Vertical Integration: The Role of Technological Niche Width” 29 (3): 789 – 800, Business Strategy and the Environment  
  2. Khurshid, F. (my Ph.D student), Park, W.-Y., & Chan, F. (The first two authors - equal contribution) (2019) “Innovation Shock, Outsourcing Strategy and Environmental Performance:  The Roles of Prior Green Innovation Experience and Knowledge Inheritance”, 28 (8): 1572 – 1582, Business Strategy and the Environment


  1. 2020 SMS (Strategic Management Society) Annual Conference : Research Methods Paper Prize Competition
    1. The Honorable Mention for the Prize
    2. 5 papers were selected as finalists out of 34 nominated papers for this award.
    3. Proposal titled “Stuck in the Middle: Strategic Repositioning and Survival in Response to an Innovation Shock” 
  2. 2011 Strategic Management Korean Business Administration Annual Meetings, Kangwondo, Korea, (August 2011) 
  3. 2006 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, (August  2006) 


  • Editorial Board:
    • Decision Science Journal
  • Ad-hoc Reviewer:
    • Journal of Operations Management
    • Organization Science
    • Research Policy
    • Journal of Knowledge Management


  • Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation