Alanna Bitzel photo

Alanna Bitzel

Assistant Director

Writing Center


Alanna arrives at UNLV after 13 years with UT Austin’s Athletics Student Services, where she acted as Assistant Director of Supplemental Instruction, Writing and Academic Enrichment. She previously worked at UT's University Writing Center; taught reading development as well as introductory college rhetoric courses; has held leadership roles in the International and South Central Writing Centers Associations; and serves on the Editorial Review Board of Praxis: A Writing Center Journal. With over 20 years in the field, Alanna “grew up” in writing centers.

Alanna has worn much Burnt Orange in her day, earning three degrees (BA, JD, and MPAff) from UT. A native Texan, she proudly includes “y’all” in her lexicon. Alanna is a yogi and enjoys traveling, watching horror films, and accumulating plants. She is the princess of feral cats.