Headshot of Dustin Davis

Dustin Davis, Ph.D.

Visiting Assistant Professor

Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences


Dustin Davis, Ph.D., earned his B.S. in Physical Education and M.S. in Kinesiology from the University of Central Missouri in 2017 and 2019, respectively. He joined the Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences at UNLV in 2019 as a Ph.D. student in the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences program, where he worked under the guidance of James Navalta, Ph.D. Davis supported Navalta’s research on the accuracy and reliability of wearable technology, such as smartwatches, in measuring physiological variables like heart rate and calories burned. Davis also researched the relationships between outdoor exercise and connectedness to nature, as well as the effects of meditative and mindful walking on cardiovascular and mental health.

Upon earning his doctorate in Spring 2023, Davis began a one-year postdoctoral research role with Navalta, concentrating on addressing the underrepresentation of females in exercise science research and advocating for increased inclusivity and representativeness. Their efforts have focused on finding and addressing gaps in research practices to enhance diversity and inclusivity within the field.

In Fall 2024, Davis joined the faculty as a visiting assistant professor of anatomy and physiology. He is committed to helping students realize their potential, grasp the complexities of human anatomy, and pursue meaningful careers in healthcare. His teaching experience encompasses exercise physiology, physical activity and health, physical fitness assessment, and global perspectives on fitness.

In addition to his teaching and research, Davis is an executive editor for the International Journal of Exercise Science, where he and his team support and promote student-led research.