UNLV President Carol C. Harter will be inaugurated as UNLV's seventh president on Oct. 21 at 10 a.m.
The ceremony, which will feature introductory remarks by University of Nevada, Reno, President Joseph Crowley, an address by Dr. Harter, and music by UNLV music department ensembles, will be staged on the steps leading up to the patio between Judy Bayley Theatre and Artemus W. Ham Concert Hall at the north end of the academic mall.
Several hundred guests are expected, including representatives of universities across the country; state and local government officials; representatives of the University and Community College System of Nevada and the Board of Regents; representatives of the UNLV Alumni Association and the UNLV Foundation; faculty, staff, and students; and local business and community leaders. The public is also invited.
Out-of-town guests will be asked to cover their own expenses, according to Dr. Leonard Goodall, former UNLV president and chair of the inauguration committee, who explained that no taxpayer funds will be spent on the inaugural activities. While many universities will probably send a representative to the ceremony, many others may ask one of their alumni -- perhaps a member of the UNLV faculty -- to represent them at the inauguration.
"One of the purposes of a presidential inauguration in the university setting is to reinforce the values of the academic community," Goodall said. "It is a symbolic act that brings people together -- members of the university community, as well as friends from the community at large -- at a time of institutional change."
A colorful event, the inauguration will include a procession on the mall of visiting representatives and members of the UNLV faculty dressed in formal academic robes.
Welcoming remarks will be offered by representatives of the UNLV Foundation and the UNLV Alumni Association, the CSUN student government, and the Faculty Senate. UCCSN Chancellor Richard Jarvis will preside over the ceremony.
The official investiture of Dr. Harter will be performed by Jill Derby, vice chair of the UCCSN Board of Regents.
A reception will follow immediately after the ceremony on Pida Plaza in front of the Moyer Student Union. During the reception, the university's museums and art galleries will be open, and campus tours will be available.
On Saturday evening, Oct. 21, world-renowned scientist and writer Stephen Jay Gould will appear in Artemus W. Ham Concert Hall as a Barrick Distinguished Scholar Lecturer. His talk coincides with the inaugural festivities and is open to the public, but free tickets are required. They will be available beginning Oct. 7 at the Performing Arts Center box office. Call 895-3801 for more information.