Debra Martin, winner of the 2015 Harry Reid Silver State Research Award, reveals that the answers about our darkest impulses can sometimes be found within what remains.
After seven firefighters died in a collapsed parking garage, engineering professor Ying Tian wanted to help design more resilient buildings. His research was shored up with seed money from a UNLV grant.
Data from NASA’s Mars Exploration Program is helping Elisabeth Hausrath understand how soil and water might have once interacted on the surface of our solar system’s most-Earthlike neighbor.
Kids fall all the time, but bouncing back can be trickier when it happens in a hospital. Thanks to an internal grant, UNLV professor Janet Dufek has been able to collaborate with a leading children's hospital to tackle the issue.
Call it watering the green spots. UNLV’s Faculty Opportunity Awards program provides seed funding for faculty researchers with promising ideas and a desire to pursue additional funding from government agencies, foundations, or private industry. The program has supported a wide variety of campus research projects involving multidisciplinary teams, single
investigators, and other faculty working to develop intellectual property.