American Marketing Association Collegiate Chapter continued its streak of excellence by earning five notable awards during the 36th annual American Marketing Association (AMA) International Collegiate Conference in New Orleans. The conference brings together more than 1,200 marketing students and their faculty advisers for three days of competition, learning, and networking each year. UNLV was awarded the prestigious Gold Collegiate Chapter award, distinguishing the chapter as one of the top five of more than 350 collegiate chapters. The award -- focusing on yearlong efforts, professional development, competition results, community service, fundraising, and membership activities -- recognizes the UNLV chapter as one of the elite AMA collegiate chapters. The Annual Chapter Award is the single most important collegiate competition held by the AMA. "This is a great achievement for our chapter, especially given the efforts made annually by the other AMA chapters," said UNLV business professor and faculty advisor Jack Schibrowsky. "The competition is based on the yearlong efforts by the chapter to provide its members with professional development opportunities as they transition from students to the next generation of marketing professionals. This recognition from our national professional marketing association demonstrates that the Lee Business School's marketing program is one of the premier undergraduate marketing experiences nationally." The AMA is the largest professional association for marketers and has more than 40,000 members. The collegiate division has more than 10,000 student members and more than 350 collegiate chapters.