Drs. Allen Young, Jo‐Lawrence Bigcas, Albert Yang, Nathaniel Reeve, Yuna Kim, and Robert C. Wang (Medicine) had their work published on the cover of Journal of The Sciences and . They found that patients often experience pain and risk of bleeding after transoral robotic surgery (TORS) radical tonsillectomy. The authors presented a novel surgical technique utilizing robotically assisted submandibular gland transposition to reconstruct the radical tonsillar defect. Surgery was performed on a 48-year-old man suffering from squamous cell carcinoma using the novel technique. He experienced minimal pain and was discharged on postoperative day three. There were no episodes of postoperative bleeding. The procedure was performed in five other cases as well. The authors found that transoral robotic SMGT can be successfully used to repair deep TORS radical tonsillectomy defects and may theoretically reduce dysphagia, pain, and the risk of hemorrhage.