Bylaws of the Nevada Chapter of the Pi Mu Epsilon

Article I: Name

This organization shall be known as the Nevada Beta chapter of the Pi Mu Epsilon chartered at UNLV.

Article II: Constitution

Every chapter shall have one and only one constitution, via the constitution of Pi Mu Epsilon Inc. Each chapter may make such bylaws for itself as it deems suitable, provided such bylaws are not in conflict with any of the provisions of the constitution or national bylaws.

Article III: Purpose

The purpose of this National Honorary Society shall be the promotion of scholarly activity in mathematics among students at UNLV. It aims to do this by: (1) electing members on an honorary basis according to their proficiency in mathematics; (2) engaging in activities designed to promote the mathematical and scholarly development of its members; and
(3) taking any other measures that will further the purpose stated above.

Article IV: Membership

You do not need to be a member to attend meetings. Voting is restricted to members, regular and affiliated, though.

  1. Regular Membership: A person meeting any of the five sets of qualifications listed above may be elected to membership by a chapter.
  2. Affiliate Membership: The initiate must have completed a bachelor’s degree, including at least two years of college mathematics (two semesters of calculus), and must have done the work with distinction. The initiate should be engaged in work of a mathematical nature.
  3. Procedure in Admission: Those eligible persons to whom a charter for a chapter has been granted and whose names appear on the charter for the chapter shall become members when they have paid the initiation fee, taken the pledge, and signed the charter. Those eligible persons who are duly elected by a chapter shall become members when they have paid the initiation fee, taken the pledge, signed the official chapter roll, and satisfied any other requirements for initiation decided on by the chapter, provided that no person shall be elected by a chapter until the scholarship committee of the chapter has investigated the candidate’s qualifications and made a report of the same and provided further that no person shall become a member until that person's name has been registered with the secretary-treasurer of the society.
  4. Honorary Nature of Society: Membership in the society shall be honorary. It shall be conferred as a reward for scholarly achievement in mathematics. All members of the society shall consider themselves pledged to use their influence to see that the standards of the society are maintained and, in voting on new members, to give an impartial judgment based on merit in order that membership in the society may be an honor that is all the more highly prized because it is justly bestowed.
Article V: Officers

Officers of this chapter shall be a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, faculty advisor, and permanent faculty correspondent. Two or more of these offices may be combined, and there may be additional officers added when voted and agreed upon by the aforementioned officers, who shall make up the Executive Committee.

Article VI: Election of Officers

Officers shall be elected each academic year at the first meeting of the fall semester, except that the permanent faculty correspondent shall continue in office for a period of several years and serve as a link with the national office. In the event of a vacancy in an office, a new election shall be held to fill the unexpired term of office.

Article VII: Duties of Officers
  1. The president shall preside over all meetings, including officer meetings, unless otherwise designated.
  2. The permanent faculty correspondent shall be a member of Pi Mu Epsilon and of the mathematics department with the rank of instructor or higher at the institution where the chapter is located. The correspondent shall receive communications from the national office, shall present these to the proper persons, and shall inform the national officers of the actions of the local chapter. The correspondent shall send the annual report of the chapter, including chapter activities, awards, reports of meetings, and results of elections, to the editor of the official journal, with copies to the president and secretary. It is understood that any member or officer of the society may communicate with the national officers about any matter.
  3. The vice president shall take charge of the position of president in the event of a vacancy and act as president of all committees unless otherwise designated.
  4. The treasurer shall collect all dues, fees, and taxes levied by the national organization and forward to the secretary-treasurer or shall make the same payments out of the chapter treasury, as the chapter may decide.
  5. The secretary shall keep account of all meetings and transactions of the chapter.
  6. The following duties shall be split among all the officers as they see fit: public relations, fundraising, postings, mailings/emails, website maintenance, and refreshments.
Article VIII: Finance

Operating expenses shall be approved by the president and voted on in meetings.

Article IX: Advisor

The Nevada Beta chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon at UNLV shall have at least one advisor from the college faculty. The advisor shall have all the same privileges of the officers and may vote on all questions if he or she so chooses. The advisor shall maintain order at all functions and meetings.

Article X: Amendments

Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed at any regular meeting and shall be voted on at the following meeting. A vote of two-thirds of the members present at a regular meeting shall be required to adopt the amendments. Once such adoption has occurred, copies of these new bylaws shall be presented to the advisor for ratification.

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