1. Authority

The committee functions under the authority of the Ê×Ò³| Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­ Faculty Senate as provided in Section 8 of the Faculty Senate Constitution and Sections 5 and 6 of the Faculty Senate Bylaws.

2. Membership

Membership of the committee is determined by Section 5 of the Faculty Senate Bylaws. Membership of the committee may only be altered by a vote of the Faculty Senate.

3. Operational Procedures

  • 3.1 - Meetings are scheduled as needed, but at least twice a semester. Since the functions of the committee often require intense work over a short period of time (for example, during presidential evaluation cycles), no set schedule is normally possible. When one semester is expected to require frequent meetings, the Chair may, when possible, have the committee meet less frequently in the other.
  • 3.2 - Members of the committee who are unable to attend shall send a proxy and complete the appropriate paperwork for substitution.
  • 3.3 - Members who are absent more than two meetings without sending a proxy may be removed and replaced.
  • 3.4 - A quorum shall be 50 percent plus one of the voting membership duly elected by the Colleges.
  • 3.5 - A simple majority vote is required for action, but the Committee shall follow Roberts Rules of Order in this regard.
  • 3.6 - The Chair will submit to the Faculty Senate an annual report on the activities of the committee.

4. General Functions

The committee’s responsibilities are defined broadly in Section 6 of the Faculty Senate bylaws. Specifically, these are:

  • 4.1 - Design and conduct an evaluation of the President of the University as prescribed in Chapter 6, Section 14.2 of the UNLV Bylaws. Ensure that all other subordinate evaluations, as mandated by Chapter 6, Section 14.3 of the UNLV Bylaws, are completed. Act in an advisory capacity on procedural matters that pertain to the evaluation of administrators.
  • 4.2 - Advise the Faculty Senate on matters of policy related to the library or information technology not otherwise assigned to a Senate committee.
  • 4.3 - Advise the Faculty Senate on matters of academic policy not otherwise assigned to a Senate committee.
  • 4.4 - Report to the Senate on administrative merit assignments, and equity salary adjustments, each academic year, in a manner defined by policy.
  • 4.5 - Make recommendations to the Senate on matters of faculty reward and general welfare.
  • 4.6 - Make recommendations on issues of general campus concern forwarded to it by the Senate Chair, Executive Committee, or the Senate itself. Create, with the advice and consent of the Senate Chair, joint subcommittees with other Senate or university committee to make recommendations on matters of overlapping jurisdiction.

5. Delegation to the Chair

  • 5.1 - Power is given to the Chair to provide prompt response where required, or call emergency meetings as needed.
  • 5.2 - The Chair may create Ad Hoc Subcommittees to advise the committee, or to conduct preliminary work on any issue within the Committee’s jurisdiction. The Chair may nominate members and the chair of the subcommittee, however, every member of the committee may participate in any subcommittee as a voting member, the subcommittee may select a different chair by majority vote, and all recommendations of subcommittees are subject to affirmative vote of the committee as a whole.
  • 5.3 - The Chair may consult with the membership electronically before taking action, and votes of the committee may be held electronically with proper notice to all members of the committee. Electronic ballots must be held open at least three days, though one week should be the normal allotment.
  • 5.4 - The Chair shall send out an agenda at least three days before a normally called meeting. Minutes of all meetings shall be sent to all members, and to the Senate office, within a week of each meeting.
  • 5.5 - The Committee shall maintain a website with historical minutes, agendas, and other materials it deems of value.
  • 5.6 - The Committee may elect a Vice Chair, who shall normally serve in that capacity for one or two years, then become chair of the committee.
  • 5.7 - Each spring the Committee shall vote on a chair for the following year.