Innovation, Inequality, and the Commercialization of Academic Research


Sep. 25, 2013, 5:30pm to 6:30pm

Campus Location

Office/Remote Location

Walter Valdivia


Brookings Mountain West Lecture: Walter Valdivia

Brookings Mountain West presents “Innovation, Inequality, and the Commercialization of Academic Research,” a talk by Walter Valdivia, fellow, Governance Studies, Center for Technology Innovation. 

Patent policy is rarely debated in relation to its distributive consequences. In particular, the Bayh-Dole Act has been discussed in terms of its effects on the pace of innovation or the organization of science. However, this lecture re-assesses this policy from the perspective of a fair distribution of resources, both those committed to and those created by research-based innovation. Specifically, examining the management of university’s intellectual property, Valdivia will identify the institutional arrangements that reinforce a very asymmetric distribution of political and economic resources among universities and then characterize subtle but important links between these inequalities and the social distribution of the benefits of innovation.

Admission Information

Lecture is free and open to the public. No reservation or ticket required.

Contact Information

Name: Bill Brown
Office: Brookings Mountain West
Phone: 702-895-0091

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