New Self Supporting Account Request


  • The Budget Form is protected due to the number of formulas included. Use the Tab key to move through the form, it will bypass any protected cells.
  • Do not cut or copy and paste as it may overwrite some of the hidden formulas.
  • Do not delete any sheets as many formulas are linked between sheets.
  • If a sheet is not required it can be hidden by right clicking on the sheet tab and selecting hide.
  • Additional sheets can be inserted or copied as needed.

Color Coding

  • Green Headings: Revenue Budget
  • Blue Headings: Expense Budget
  • Grey cells are unprotected - enter data directly into these cells.
  • Yellow cells are protected; data is picked up in these cells through formulas from other cells or sheets.
  • Pink cells indicate a ±10% change in budget
    • A percentage change calculation is included as a visual aid in column Q on the Summary Form. When data for all three years has been entered into the form, check the percentage changes from Current Year2 to Budget Year3
      • Changes greater than ±10% will be highlighted in pink to prompt you to include an explanation on Form N2
    • Null values will be returned where there is no data for one or both years
      • If there is no budget for both years, that message can be ignored, otherwise it indicates the addition or elimination of a budget line, which also requires an explanation on Form N2

Form N1 - Purpose of Account

Provide a description of the activity that the account supports and the funding sources that support that activity.

Include any notes regarding restrictions on the use of funds or useful background information that would help a newcomer to understand the account.

Form N2 - Explanation of Changes

  • Use this sheet to include explanatory notes for any major changes to the account for next year.
  • If a budget line is being eliminated, such as Wages or Travel, note the reason:
    • Will these expenses be covered in another account or will they be eliminated?
  • Examples to consider:
    • If there is a new position on the account, is this position being transferred from another account or is it a new position request?
    • If graduate salaries are increasing by 30%, is this due to additional students being hired to teach classes or is it because support for a position on another account is not available next year?
    • Why are printing costs budgeted to increase by 25% next year?
  • Thorough documentation of program changes provides a good history and will help with budget projections in following years. It can also avoid elimination of a budget line in error due to oversight.
  • Insert supplementary information in a PDF or Word Doc format in the Attachments field.
Fiscal Year Notation Date Span
1 Prior Year = FY21 07/01/20 - 06/30/21
2 Current Year = FY22 07/01/21 - 06/30/22
3 Budget Year = FY23 07/01/22 - 06/30/23