SAAS and the Academic Success Center (ASC) offer free tutoring for a variety of UNLV courses through the academic year. The mission of the tutoring program is to supplement in-class instruction and enhance the academic experience by providing a respectful, safe educational environment for learning. Tutoring is offered in multiple locations and appointments can be made by the student through . More instructions can be obtained from the AES. The Academic Success Center (ASC) also provides Supplemental Instruction (SI), which is a free program where SI leaders attend a specific course and then conduct small group study sessions for that class two to three times per week. To inquire about which classes are offered through SI, please contact your Academic Eligibility Specialist.

This is a free service provided by the ASC to help UNLV undergraduate students develop strategies for successfully navigating college. Academic Success Coaches partner with student-athletes to help them mature as a learner in the college environment and this collaborative effort focuses on soft skills that can be applied to the college experience. Some of these skills include: time management, goal setting, study skills, test anxiety, motivation, overcoming procrastination and building rapport with professors.

In partnership with the PRACTICE, the Academic Success Center (ASC) has a doctoral candidate learning specialist available to serve ASC students. If you would like to have your learning style and capability evaluated and tested, please consult with your academic eligibility specialist and they will inform you of the process.

Completing the testing may lead to availability of academic accommodations through the Disability Resource Center.

The UNLV Disability Resource Center (DRC) is committed to supporting students with disabilities at UNLV through the appropriate use of advocacy, accommodations, and supportive services to ensure access to campus courses, services, and activities. The DRC is the university-designated office that determines and facilitates reasonable accommodations in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. If a student-athlete becomes injured or ill in a way that can cause a need for academic accommodations, the student can apply for DRC services during the time period of the injury or illness. Please contact your academic eligibility specialist for more information.

If you receive textbooks as a part of your athletic scholarship, you will be responsible for picking up your books at the Lied Athletic Complex, or at a location designated by your academic eligibility specialist. As a reminder, your athletic scholarship will only provide required textbooks/material for your courses; recommended textbooks/materials must be purchased on your own.

You are required to pick up your textbooks by the end of the first week of the semester from the academic support specialist within the Lied Athletic Complex. If for any reason you do not receive all of your required materials as outlined by the syllabus, you will need to submit an Order Request to Only required materials will be purchased using this method. If you have already purchased a required textbook/material on your own, you can submit a Reimbursement Request to

Your textbooks are considered “on loan,” so you must return them at the end of the semester. During finals week, you are required to return your textbooks by 4 p.m. of the Friday of finals week to the academic support specialist within the Lied Athletic Complex. If you need your textbook beyond that timeframe, you must communicate with and/or your academic eligibility specialist. If you do not return your books on time, a hold will be placed on your account and you will be responsible for paying for 50% of the original cost of your textbooks. The hold will impact your ability to enroll, receive transcripts, receive diploma, and receive stipends and/or cost of attendance disbursements.

The ASC Library’s function is to provide you the ability to check out textbooks with the use of your Rebel I.D. You will also be required to provide your RebelMail email address to receive receipts, due dates, and possible fees. The ASC textbook library and checkout area is located at the Lied Athletic Complex Auditorium, Room 101A. It is open to all students, but the student must be enrolled in the course they are checking out the book for. For further information, call 702-895-0656.

If you do not own a laptop, calculator, or iClicker, you can check one out through SAAS. The laptops and calculators are to be used for academic purposes only by student-athletes during study sessions, while traveling to away contests, or while participating in required practice and competition during recess periods. This allows you to have access to computers even while away from UNLV. To inquire about checking out a laptop, calculator, or iClicker, please contact a SAAS staff member or visit with the SAAS Administrative Assistant in the Lied Athletic Complex Auditorium. You will be responsible for the full cost of laptops/calculators if they are damaged, not returned, or lost while in the student-athletes’ possession. If any university-issued equipment is stolen, you are responsible for providing a police report documenting the theft. If a police report is submitted, you will not be held responsible for the stolen item. You are allowed one (1) police report free pass to excuse yourself from responsibility of a stolen item. If a second piece of property is lost or stolen while in your possession, you will be responsible for the full cost of the item.

SAAS has three main study lounge locations on campus. Study lounges are quiet, work-oriented environments in which you can concentrate and get the bulk of your academic work done. Printing is available and tutors, monitors, and graduate assistants are on duty to assist during open hours. Each study lounge is equipped with computers, calculators, and academic supplies for student-athlete use. Student-athletes may meet with tutors during study lounge hours. You will be required to follow the study lounge rules during your use. If you choose to not follow the rules, you will be asked to leave the location for the day. If your coach has assigned study hour requirements for you, please follow his/her directive for tracking and what permissible study spaces that you may use.

Locations and Hours of Operation during the Academic Year

Lied Athletic Complex
  • LAC 240*
  • LAC Auditorium 101B and LAC Auditorium Room 101C
  • Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.

*Priority is given to tutoring appointments

Fertitta Football Complex
  • FFC 286*
  • Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.

*Football academic room

The locations and available times for the Athletic Study Lounges are subject to change over the course of the year. Make sure you are in touch with your academic eligibility specialist or another member of the SAAS team if you have any questions regarding the Athletic Study Lounges.

Ask how we can help with academic printing, supplies, the ASC and funding support for academic-based testing.