• Student presenting an art piece on a wall
  • student seen smiling with art pieces on wall behind
  • building with large overlapping quilted textiles
  • Student working on a quilt like art piece on a table
  • People in a studio glancing at art hanging on walls

Master of Fine Arts - Art

The MFA Art Experience

The three-year Master of Fine Arts (MFA) program is studio based and research focused with an emphasis on creative practice, interdisciplinarity, community engagement, and professional development.Throughout the program students conduct practice and text-based research, presenting their work in studio visits, exhibitions, MFA Open Studios, and group critique with faculty, peers, visiting artists, curators, scholars, and community members.

The full cohort consists of 10 to 12 candidates, with the department admitting three to four new students each year. Each MFA candidate is provided with private studio space with 24-hour access and approved access to department studio labs.

Apply to Our Program

The UNLV Department of Art is seeking applications that present unique perspectives, rigorous artistic skill and research, and a potential for dynamic growth. We welcome artists from diverse backgrounds who want to participate in the dialogues within contemporary art and culture and the creation of powerful sensory experiences and shared knowledge through art practice and exhibition.

Eligibility and Application Deadlines

As you prepare to apply for this program, complete the following steps:

  1. Review our admission requirements to assess if you’re eligible for consideration
  2. Review our priority and final deadlines
    1. Visit the Graduate College's Application Deadlines page
    2. Locate the "Application Requirements" section with the table for degree program application deadlines
    3. Locate the priority and final deadline dates for the "Art (MFA)" program

Application Components

Applicants who meet our admission requirements must submit an application that consists of a two-step process:

The application to the Graduate College can be accessed on the This application will require you to provide three letters of recommendation and your transcripts.

During this step of the application, you may apply for a graduate assistantship. Visit the MFA Graduate Assistantship page for more information.

This packet must be submitted as a single PDF that contains:

  1. A written statement of intent (500-800 words). The statement of intent should describe the motivations and objectives of your artistic research and discuss how the UNLV MFA Art Program, faculty, community, and time to focus on art will help you further your academic and career goals.
  2. A portfolio of 20 recent work samples which represent your strongest work from the past three years, with an emphasis on work from the past year. Please submit high-quality images (jpeg files max dimension of 1024 px @ 72 dpi, up to 5MB each).
    1. We recommend submitting no more than 1-2 large images per page for ideal viewing. Under each image please include the title, medium, dimensions, date, and a 30-word max description, as applicable, for each work.
    2. For time-based or interactive media please submit as a link (website link, Vimeo or YouTube channel link) and note that we will review up to 15 minutes of time-based work per applicant. Include title, media details, password for password protected videos, date, and a 35-word max synopsis, as applicable, for each work.
  3. A curriculum vitae/resume with relevant experience and education. Read .
  4. Please name that PDF file as: first name_last name_MFA_year.pdf (i.e. J_Chavez_MFA_2024.pdf)

These materials should be emailed to Wendy Kveck at art.gradcoord@unlv.edu with the subject heading “[Starting Semester and Year]] MFA Art Application” no later than the application deadline listed on the Graduate College’s Application Deadlines page.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria for graduate students include:

  • Potential for dynamic growth and leadership within the Department of Art, the College of Fine Arts, and the UNLV and Las Vegas communities.
  • Artistic excellence: the work demonstrates exceptional research and skill in its execution.
  • Content of the work: the artist presents a unique perspective and ambitious, creative exploration of formal and conceptual relationships within the work and a consideration of historical/contemporary social, political, or cultural context. The artist poses interesting questions and transforms ideas into new forms that are productive, exciting, and promising for future work.
  • Professional experience.

Graduate Assistantships

All applicants are encouraged to apply for graduate assistantships during the application process. Graduate assistantship packages include $21,000 stipends, tuition waivers, and healthcare insurance. Offers for graduate assistantships are contingent on the submitted application and portfolio.

Student on a work table with different mediums of art surrounded
person wearing 3D glasses while looking at 3D art
Four people having a discussion on the art displayed
gallery audience looking at art art canvases