Picture of Brad Cameron
Nov. 21, 2024


What is something that the MIB department offers that you believe is key to the success of UNLV grads?

UNLV offers a very personalized education experience, driving its students to really own their journey for learning and achievement, while at the same time supporting them with access to faculty and advisors. As a member of the MIB Advisory Board, I am especially proud of UNLV for leveraging us to not only support the school in general but also provide us with the opportunity to connect with students, share our experiences, be role models and most importantly mentor and guide students using the extensive real-world experience the board brings to the school. Some board members have even gone on to be lecturers.

What has been one of your greatest accomplishments while serving on the Marketing Community Advisory Board?

I am energized by helping others learn, and I also learn new things during the experience. I have had a few very powerful opportunities to assist and mentor students in my tenure, and while we carry ourselves with humility, we realize just how impactful our experience can be to a student, as they connect their academics to the world outside, and prepare themselves for their next chapter.

What are some of your passions outside of your career?

One thing I have realized through the years is that when you find the career that you are passionate about, and take the lead to find the right jobs that surround you with smart and supportive people, your life is largely defined by a balance or career and family, and you can struggle to maintain too many passions beyond those outside of career. Personally, my passion outside of my career is restoring and maintaining a small collection of cars, and driving on track. This fuels my passion for mechanical things and understanding how things work. I also love traveling the world.

What does UNLV mean to you?

UNLV is a symbol of being curious, learning new frontiers and shaping its students for making big impacts in the world. The school stands proud in Las Vegas and is an integral part of the culture and character of this fine city.