Oct. 22, 2024


Date of Meeting: 10/28/2024

Start: 12:00 PM


CCC Member Attendance:


CCC Votes

Faculty Presenter

AGENDA: Curriculog Proposals


Zach Perzan

Course Create: GEOL 767 (Virtual Hydrologic University: Recent Advances in Hydrology). This course will expand UNLV's current course offerings in water-related fields through a partnership with the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI), which is an organization funded by the National Science Foundation to support the hydrologic sciences. The course is designed to provide students access to specialized hydrology modules offered by experts across the nation through CUAHSI Virtual University (CVU). Students will register for this course at UNLV and choose three, 4-week hydrologic modules to take each semester. Each online, synchronous module is taught by leading experts in hydrology at institutions across the U.S. and meets twice per week for 1.5 hours each class meeting. Students will submit assessments to each module’s instructor and grades will be automatically transferred back to UNLV through Canvas. UNLV students are only eligible to register for CVU during semesters in which a UNLV instructor is actively teaching a module in CVU, so the instructor of record for this course will also teach CVU modules each semester the course is offered. The course is repeatable up to one time for credit, provided the student enrolls in different modules each time.

Andy Andres

Course Change:  SCI 496 (Senior Seminar). Change from 2 credits to 3 credits to allow for a more robust curriculum as this is a culminating course for the BS in General Science degree.

Jen Utz

Course Change:  BIOL 191A.  Currently, permission is required for 2nd and 3rd attempts in BIOL 191A. This permission requirement was previously put in place due to challenges with meeting enrollment demand. Seating capacity for this course has increased relative to demand so there is no longer a need to prioritize seats for first-time enrollments in this course. The purpose of this proposal is to remove the statement, "Permission is required for 2nd and 3rd attempts" from the BIOL 191A prerequisites.

Jen Utz

Course Change:  BIOL 191L.  Currently, permission is required for 2nd and 3rd attempts in BIOL 191L. This permission requirement was previously put in place due to challenges with meeting enrollment demand. Seating capacity for this course has increased relative to demand so there is no longer a need to prioritize seats for first-time enrollments in this course. The purpose of this proposal is to remove the statement, "Permission is required for 2nd and 3rd attempts" from the BIOL 191L prerequisites.

Jen Utz

Course Change:  BIOL 251A.  Currently, permission is required for 2nd and 3rd attempts in BIOL 251A. This permission requirement was previously put in place due to challenges with meeting enrollment demand. Seating capacity for this course has increased relative to demand so there is no longer a need to prioritize seats for first-time enrollments in this course. The purpose of this proposal is to remove the statement, "Permission is required for 2nd and 3rd attempts" from the BIOL 251A prerequisites.

Jen Utz

Course Change:  BIOL 251L.  Currently, permission is required for 2nd and 3rd attempts in BIOL 251L. This permission requirement was previously put in place due to challenges with meeting enrollment demand. Seating capacity for this course has increased relative to demand so there is no longer a need to prioritize seats for first-time enrollments in this course. The purpose of this proposal is to remove the statement, "Permission is required for 2nd and 3rd attempts" from the BIOL 251L prerequisites.

Jen Utz

Course/Cross-listing Change:  BIOL 440.   The intention of the School of Life Sciences faculty is for the BIOL 440 Mammalian Physiology course to be cross-listed with the BIOL 640 Mammalian Physiology course. Currently, the 600-level course contains the cross-listing note, however it is absent from the 400-level course. The purpose of this proposal is to add the note to the 400-level course so these courses can be cross-listed, as intended.