woman in hat stands in front of circular art installation on a white wall

¡Katie B Funk! stands in front of "ghosts", on exhibit now as part of "How to Hold a Galaxy" at the Priscilla R. Tyson Cultural Arts Center

Oct. 2, 2024

HOW TO HOLD A GALAXY, a new exhibition in Columbus, Ohio by UNLV MFA student ¡Katie B Funk!, comprises hand cut paper, found imagery, drawings, performance stills, relief sculptures, and wearables that each bring into question the idea of patterns, cycles, collage, and infinite possibilities. Edges of paper have been cut to subtle curves, ink has seeped through flattened paper planes, and disparate images have been paired into the familiar and traversable object of earrings. Cursive writing bends and loops making one fight to decipher. Bewitched hands hold a pizza and ask you - how many slices, baby? How one might hold a galaxy is as answerable as the universe is vast - the harder one tries to hold, the further the center folds.

September 27 - November 2, 2024

Priscilla R. Tyson Cultural Arts Center

Columbus, Ohio

Free entry

M: 1-4 and 7-10pm

T-Thr: 9-4 and 7-10pm

F + S: 9-4pm