Screenshot of cityscape built by 3D models
Mar. 27, 2024

UNLV alumnus and co-founder of AERO AI, Victory Igbinobaro, recently shared a case study on a UNLV expansion project. 

AERO AI's involvement in the UNLV North Campus Project exemplifies the power of combining drone technology, geospatial analysis, and real-time 3D graphics for large-scale planning and design. AERO AI's innovative approach not only streamlined the data capture and processing phases, but also enabled a collaborative and interactive exploration of design possibilities for the future campus.

Project Scope: Aerial Data Capture, Processing, and Visualization

Size: 2,085 Acres

Collaborators: UNLV Planning and Construction and UNLV School of Architecture Master of Architecture students in Associate Professor Glenn Nowak's AAE 775 "Tourist Facility Design and Development" seminar as part of the President and Provost's Student Design Challenge for the UNLV North Campus.