Women standing in grassy area in a graduation outfit holding a graduation cap.
Aug. 19, 2024

Meet Sahara Chatterpaul-Taylor, an accomplished graduate of Foothill High School, community leader and the newest addition to the College of Education community. For Sahara, school has always been more than just a place to learn—it's been a safe haven. When her home life felt unstable, she found refuge within the walls of her classrooms. Now, as she prepares for her freshman year, Sahara is determined to create that same safe space for her future students.

It wasn't until her family moved from Philadelphia to Henderson that she first felt the calling to become an English teacher. “In middle school my teachers became people I trusted and enjoyed spending time with. I want to share that with the younger generation.” Sahara recalls. Her eighth-grade Burkholder Middle School English teacher, John Moody, played a pivotal role in solidifying her career choice. Sahara remembered, “He made me realize I could see myself doing what he did. He seemed so happy with his job, and I thought, ‘I want to feel that way, too.’”

A Match Made in Nevada

So when the time came to apply to programs she set her sights on the college’s Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education. More than anything Sahara wants to be an advocate for her future students, particularly those in Title I and low-income schools like hers. “I want to be that support system for kids who need it and the teacher they remember and say, ‘Ms. Chatterpaul really encouraged me to pursue my dreams.’” The college's drive to equip teachers to stay and teach in underserved schools across the state made it a perfect match. 

Her high school years were filled with leadership roles that have prepared her for this next chapter. As the historian for her school’s Black Student Union (BSU), editor-in-chief of the yearbook, and Nevada Youth Empowerment fellow, Sahara has learned valuable skills that she plans to carry into her college and professional experiences. “Being in those roles taught me a lot about resilience and teamwork,” she reflects. “In the BSU, we faced backlash and scrutiny, but I learned how to challenge that behavior instead of just accepting it.” 

First-Year Checklist

As she embarks on her first year at UNLV, Sahara has set her sights on making connections and finding her place within the college community. “I used to have so many goals for my freshman year, but I realized I’ve never been in college before, so I want to keep things simple,” she admits. “College is supposed to be where you meet your bridesmaids and the people who will be in your life forever, so my biggest goal is to make connections.” Apart from meeting new people, Sahara hopes to visit new places through a study abroad program. 

With her passion for education, her determination to make a difference, and her love for connecting with others, there’s no doubt that Sahara's first year will be one full of excitement. As she takes another step forward to becoming an educator in the fall, she’s on track to inspire the next generation of students, just as her teachers once inspired her.