
The approximate number of hours you will spend in class each week. For example, a three-credit class will meet for approximately three hours each week. Classes at UNLV range from one to five credits. A full-time student carries a minimum of 12 credits per semester.


A course or minimum test score required prior to entrance into another course. For example, there is a minimum ACT/SAT test score requirement a student must achieve in order to enroll in ENG 101. English 101 is a prerequisite for English 102.


A co-requisite is a requirement that must be met simultaneously while taking another class. For example, Biology 100 has a requirement that its corresponding lab class be taken during the same semester.

Class Standing

Class standing is determined by the number of credits a student has completed: Freshman: 0–29 semester credits; Sophomore: 30–59 semester credits; Junior: 60–89 semester credits; and Senior: 90+ semester credits.

General Education Requirements

All degree-seeking undergraduate students, in addition to the courses required by the individual colleges and departments, must complete the general education core requirements. Please consult your  as these requirements are specific to your catalog year and major. There are 11 areas of the general education core. Review the General Education Core FAQ page for more information.


Minors are secondary, or smaller, areas of academic specialization. While minors are not required for graduation, they are opportunities to gain a more in-depth understanding of an area outside of your major. Typically, a student can earn a minor in any area of study regardless of his or her major. According to the , minors are defined by a department within the following minimums: 1) 18 hours in subject areas (24 hours recommended), 2) 12 credit hours must be at 300–400 level, and 3) Nine credit hours must be completed at UNLV. Please consult your college for further details.

Academic Distinction

Students who have met the following criteria are eligible for the dean's honors list each regular semester (fall and spring): 1) Completion of 12 credits and 2) Semester GPA of 3.5 or higher. Students earn the graduation designations of summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude provided that they meet the required credits and GPA minimums. Please consult the  for more information.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

GPA is determined by dividing the total number of points earned by the total number of semester hours attempted. Each letter grade is assigned the following quality points for every one-semester of credit earned:

A = 4 B+ = 3.3 C+ = 2.3 D+ = 1.3 F = 0.0
A- = 3.7 B = 3.0 C = 2.0 D = 1.0  
  B- = 2.7 C- = 1.7 D- = 0.7  

Every major at UNLV has its own GPA requirement to enter the major and to maintain good academic standing within that major. Be sure to consult your advisor with any specific questions you may have, but for general information, visit the Academic Success Center's site.

Grade Point Balance (GPB)

The GPB indicates how far above or below a student is from a 2.0 GPA. To compute this, the following formula is used:

A = 2 B+ = 1.3 C+ = 0.3 D+ = -0.7 F = -2.0
A- = 1.7 B = 1.0 C = 0.0 D = -1.0  
  B- = 0.7 C- = -0.3 D- = -1.3  

As stated in the undergraduate catalog, the GPB is an aid in helping students with grade deficiencies to determine what is needed to bring their GPA up to a 2.0, the minimum needed for graduation.

Undergraduate Catalog

This is the text outlining UNLV academic policies, degree programs, and their requirements. While it is updated every two years, you have the option of following the requirements outlined in the  that are in effect during the following: 1) The first semester of enrollment at UNLV, 2) The day you declare a major, and 3) The day you graduate. You have 10 years to graduate from the selected catalog. For example, a student following the 2004 catalog has until 2014 to complete his or her degree requirements.