Accomplishments: Department of Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education

Megan Griffard (Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) published a study on the working conditions and leadership perceptions of school mental health professionals (school counselors, psychologists, and social workers) during remote schooling during the pandemic in the Journal of Education Human Resources. Results…
Members of the Holmes Scholars Program, Adjoa Mensah (Teaching and Learning) and Mayra Marquez-Mendez (Educational Psychology, Leadership and Higher Education) were presenters at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) 2023 conference. They presented "Teacher Education Enrichment: What are universities doing to enhance…
Ariana L. Garcia (Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) was selected as a 2022-2023 Graduate Student Fellow by the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE). AAHHE is a nationally-recognized organization that works to diversify the academy, recognize Hispanic/Latinx/a/o/é achievement, and advance social…
Dan Wright (Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) was recognized by Friends of Nevada Wilderness for his community service.
LeAnne Salazar Montoya (Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) was asked to present as the opening keynote for the 2023 National Mortar Board week. She will present, "The Tenets of Leadership, Diversity and Equity are More than a Trend." Mortar Board Week commemorates the founding of Mortar Board with a weeklong celebration,…
Assistant professor Federick Ngo and doctoral student Dañelle Sundell (both Higher Education) co-authored an article titled, "Inequities at the intersection of race and disability: Evidence from community colleges," in the journal Race Ethnicity and Education. The study examines how multiple marginalization based on both race and disability result…
Megan Griffard (Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) and colleagues from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill published a multi-method study, "School‐based mental health supports COVID‐19:School professional perspectives," on how school mental health professionals' adapted service delivery to students during remote…
Federick Ngo (Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) was appointed associate editor for The Review of Higher Education (RHE), the official journal of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE). RHE is considered one of the leading research journals in the field as it keeps scholars, academic…
Federick Ngo (Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) was invited to present at the 2023 Joint Mathematics Meetings of the American Mathematical Society in Boston, Massachusetts. He discussed findings from a study on community college student outcomes in statistics and math after developmental education reform efforts. The…
Megan Griffard (Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) was quoted in a recent Las Vegas Review Journal article discussing CCSD's $32.6M budget shortfall due to lower student enrollment than projected. She shared some possible causes of the decreased enrollment and considerations the school district should make to…
Graduate student Sarah Wolff (Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) serves on the Pablove Foundation's research advisory board. The foundation is a nonprofit organization that provides virtual and in-person participatory arts programming to pediatric cancer patients across the United States. She and her colleagues on the board…
Mark L. Spinrad (Center for Research, Evaluation, and Assessment), Stefani R. Relles, and Doris L. Watson (both Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) published a manuscript, Not in the Greater Good: Academic Capitalism and Faculty Labor in Higher Education, in the special issue of Education Sciences, "Sustainable Higher…