Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Campus News |
Brookings Mt. West Initiative experts to discuss federal funding for Nevada, national debt, healthcare and STEM.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Campus News |
University Forum brings experts from UNLV and across the nation to discuss a range of political, social and cultural issues this fall.
Carissa Marquez
People |
The program coordinator’s proudest moment was watching her oldest son get his diploma. Now she’s part of shepherding students through the Executive MBA program.
RTC UNLV Transit Center
Campus News |
Senator Harry Reid, Governor Brian Sandoval, UNLV representatives to mark opening of transit center.
Andreas Stefik
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The computer science professor talks video game hacking, music, and how to improve computers for visually impaired users.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Arts and Culture |
New series will screen award-winning, indie feature films every two weeks at the Galaxy Luxury+ Theaters.
DesertSol Rendering
Campus News |
Community is invited to cheer team and tour solar-powered home, DesertSol as students head to the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2013.
Art piece
Arts and Culture |
"A New Sculpturalism: Contemporary Architecture from Southern California" runs through Sept. 16.
Sandra Hooven
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Composition instructor Sandra Hooven shares lessons with new freshman on how to approach the inevitable setbacks in their academic careers.
Student walking through a parking lot.
Campus News |
Six simple travel tips to help you avoid the crowds during the busy start to fall semester.
Marissa Nichols
People |
Grad student and former softball star Marissa Nichols on adopting a winning mindset. Here's some advice she'll share during her UNLV Creates talk.
John Starkey
People |
College once seemed so unobtainable to academic advisor John Starkey. He'll share his inspiring story of rising from poverty with incoming freshmen this week.