Jason Flatt (Social and Behavioral Health) recently published, “Perceived Discrimination in Healthcare for LGBTQIA+ People Living with Parkinson’s Disease,” in The Journals of Gerontology Series B. This is the first study with LGBTQIA+ people with Parkinson’s disease and highlights that they perceive greater discrimination when accessing…
Nate Koerber (Teaching and Learning), along with colleagues Lee Flood (University of Augusta) and Pamela Angelle (University of Tennessee) published a systematic review in Management in Education. The abstract is included below: This systematic review provides an overview of findings gleaned from the International School Leadership…
Timothy Erwin (English) presented an illustrated paper, “The Discourse of the Eye: Romeo and Juliet and Hogarth’s Marriage A-la-Mode,” at the 53rd annual meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies in St. Louis, MO. He also chaired the panel “New Light on Samuel Johnson," hosting Prof. Brandon Schneeberger, a…
Louisa Messenger (Environmental and Occupational Health) published a paper on "Vector control for malaria prevention during humanitarian emergencies: a systematic review and meta-analysis" in The Lancet Global Health.  Humanitarian emergencies can lead to population displacement, food insecurity, severe health system disruptions, and malaria…
Manoj Sharma (Social and Behavioral Health, Internal Medicine) co-authored an interdisciplinary article titled, “Single parenthood and minor children: Vulnerability factors for fear of crime," in collaboration with colleagues from Jackson State University and Auburn University at Montgomery in the journal The Pursuit.  The article found…
Second-year Ph.D. student Hossein Madhani (Life Sciences) received a $5,800 EECG Research Award from the American Genetic Association. The EECG program funds highly competitive proposals from graduate students or postdocs that address genome-scale questions, or ecological, evolutionary, and conservation genetics questions that are best addressed…
UNLV faculty, staff, and graduate students participated in Corporate Challenge Track & Field on March 11, 2023. The small team of 10 earned 21 medals (7 gold, 10 silver, 4 bronze). Also, they earned 6th place overall and 1 point toward the cumulative Corporate Challenge ranking. Congratulations to the team and well done representing UNLV! Don…
John Menezes, Kavita Batra, Vladislav Zhitny (all Medicine) published a study, "A Nationwide Analysis of Gunshot Wounds of the Head and Neck: Morbidity, Mortality, and Cost" in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. Gun-related injuries remain a major public health issue, with many beginning to view this as a national health crisis.
An interdisciplinary collaboration between the dental and medical school resulted in a publication titled, "Extranodal manifestation of mantle cell lymphoma in the submandibular duct: A case report and review of literature." The publication was accepted in Otolaryngology Case Reports. It was written by fourth-year medical student Spencer…

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